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523 S. Cascade Ave, Suite 140, Colorado Springs, CO 80903

Moving indoor and outdoor air

HVAC Control

Heating, ventilation, & air conditioning

Heating, ventilation, & air conditioning

HVAC Control

HVAC, which stands for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning, plays a crucial role in maintaining comfortable indoor environments for both commercial and industrial buildings. These systems are responsible for heating, cooling, and circulating air as needed. In fact, the HVAC control market is projected to more than double from 2018 to 2023.

At ACTS Electric, our experts excel in managing HVAC controls, ranging from thermostats to complex systems within larger building automation systems. We ensure that our HVAC controls are not only adequate and smooth-running but also highly energy-efficient.

Variable Air Volume (VAV) systems are commonly found in commercial buildings. These systems cater to varying temperature and airflow zone requirements within different spaces. Buildings are composed of multiple zones, and VAV controls maintain temperature setpoints in each zone while ensuring a minimum required flow rate. At ACTS Electric, we optimize HVAC systems by carefully regulating the quantity and temperature of distributed air, resulting in optimal energy efficiency. There are two classifications of VAV controls: pressure-independent and pressure-dependent. Pressure-independent VAV control maintains a constant flow rate regardless of inlet pressure variations. On the other hand, pressure-dependent VAV controls vary with the inlet pressure in supply ducts, resulting in more noticeable temperature shifts.
Air Handler Control is a vital component of a two-part split system that maintains indoor temperature year-round by delivering hot or cold air through ductwork. The system operates in a recurring cycle, providing air to indoor spaces through vents and pulling air through return vents. To ensure efficient HVAC operation, airflow is regulated using flow sensors, requiring proper balancing. At ACTS Electric, we provide complete HVAC system matching for longevity, efficiency, and comfort.
Make-Up Air Controls introduce fresh air into indoor spaces, enhancing appliance efficiency and improving indoor air quality. These controls address issues caused by exhaust fans creating negative pressures or energy-efficient weatherstripping trapping stale air inside. At ACTS Electric, we incorporate Make-Up Air Controls into the return duct of HVAC systems. These controls automatically sense airflow needs and pressure changes, providing replacement air from a controlled source.
ACTS Electric specializes in building integration, including the seamless integration of other Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) controllers. With extensive experience working with diverse clients and systems, we offer equipment and integration solutions tailored to meet the objectives of each building while promoting energy efficiency. Our direct digital controls enable facility management control of building-wide equipment and provide valuable information, including HVAC usage and performance data, energy prices, and financial and security information. Our building integration system is compatible with any open protocol building management system, delivering successful management strategies.
A Variable Frequency Drive (VFD) is an accessory that adjusts the rotations per minute of alternating current motor fans or pumps by varying the electrical power supplied to the motor. By altering the fan or pump speed, VFDs respond to airflow or pressure needs, improving ventilation and meeting heating and cooling requirements. At ACTS Electrical, we reset fan and pump speeds based on system demands to save energy, enhance indoor air quality, and reduce maintenance.
Trim and respond is an energy-saving technique that can involve controlling static air pressure (SAP) in HVAC systems. SAP refers to the resistance to airflow within HVAC components and ductwork. To ensure proper air circulation, the push of the air must be stronger than the resistance. ACTS Electric recognizes the importance of trim and respond, especially with the rise of COVID-19 and the use of restrictive air filters. While strong filters may address COVID concerns, they can negatively impact HVAC efficiency and increase energy costs. Trim and respond continuously adjusts the system’s setpoint to deliver just enough pressure. It operates by gradually lowering the setpoint until dampers or valves are almost underserved, and then raising it until the device meets the demand. By repeating this process every 10 minutes, the system has sufficient time to react, resulting in optimal energy usage without compromising comfort.
Building pressure control plays a crucial role in ensuring HVAC systems operate at their peak performance. ACTS Electric understands the significance of building pressure control as it affects infiltration, exfiltration, and prevents negative and positive pressures. When indoor pressure is lower than outside pressure, untreated air leaks into the building, compromising HVAC effectiveness. Conversely, when indoor pressure is higher than outside pressure, it creates noisy air leaks around doors and places excessive load on the HVAC system. At ACTS Electric, we implement automated building pressure control to establish the desired building pressure, addressing these concerns effectively.

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